
Analysis of a Beam with Salome-Meca and Code_Aster

Salome-Meca is not intended for the analysis of simple beams, but of more complicated structures. However, as I begin to learn this application, I feel more comfortable with simple cases. In this entry, the analysis process of a simple beam with Salome-Meca is shown. In spite of its simplicity, one must know how to do some tricks, specially how to use Groups.

In this exercise, the beam analyzed has two supports: a pinned one at the end A, and a roller at B. Its cross section = 0,20x0,30 sq. meters. A vertical load of 30 kN is applied at the free end C.

The COMM file was created using an application called Efficient. For me, dealing with those COMM files was a tough task. Efficient makes things easier. Great stuff. You can find it at the Moonish Engineering site.

Links to the videos:

Desplacement at C. Analytical solution: 0,002539 meters. Salome-Meca: 0,002561 meters. Difference: 0,8%.


How to model a beam with variable cross section in Ansys

A beam with variable cross section can be easily modeled with FEM software using Solid or Shell elements. In this little tutorial, however, the beam was meshed using BEAM elements. These were chosen for future plans of combinating them with SHELL elements.

When BEAM elements are used, geometry variation is modeled with the Tapered Section option.

Link to video